Monday, August 11, 2008

Operational Test of an Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve

I conduct a flashback test of a Smack's Booster style container with an adjustable pressure relief valve mounted to it to determine if the valve can control the pressures generated by a flashback.

The result is surprisingly good, considering I was afraid I'd witness a container rupture. Big bangs be bad in my book, but no big bad bangs were to be had. Boo Hoo!


Anonymous said...

Good work Charlie-what was the hydroxy production & temperture of electrolyte at time of this test? I would think variable factors like trmperture and hydroxy production may have an influence on the test. What do you think?

Charlie Ehler said...

I didn't record it and so the data is lost. I was using my "Simpleton" plate setup, NaOH at 1/2 Tsp per Gallon and was about 20 minutes to an hour into the test.

The important thing to understand here is the pressure relief valve works when performing electrolysis with a mostly full container. I also believe it works when the container has more air in it, but would have to perform a test with it closer to half full of electrolyte.


Anonymous said...


I was very interested and impressed with your test and discovery regarding the use of a pressure relief valve on the “Smack’s Booster” style cell. This is a question that has been bothering me for a long time.

However, my getting off to a false start with the smack’s booster construction in that some of the information regarding fabrication and purchasing of parts seemed to be a little ambiguous and in the end cost me more than I expected to spend. I have therefore been reluctant at spending any more money to perform that or any other test at this point.

So it is refreshing to find so many of my questions answered in one place at one time. Nice website! I hope you continue to share your discoveries with others as you experiment with Hydrogen.


PS: I see you may be still having the particulate problem in red. Now that I have your site, I can read more about what you have to say in that regard.